Yes, as you may have read in the recent “Gateway Pundit” article , EIP, Election Integrity PARTNERSHIP, is being sued.


As the Gateway article states, The primary Defendants in our new class action are the Election Integrity Partnership (“EIP”), consisting of former federal law enforcement/intelligence agency spooks, the Stanford Internet ObservatoryGraphika, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab.”


Clearly, the organization referred to by the Gateway Pundit as “EIP”

is NOT connected in any way

to Election Integrity PROJECT California, EIPCa.


Potential confusions with respect to who’s who are the major reason we have been SO protective of our name, insisting that it not be shortened for convenience, and why we have trademarked our name and acronym.


Continuing the Gateway article’s description of the agency they are suing:


“EIP was created in consultation with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security (“CISA”) and “other stakeholders.”  The EIP was created to fill the gap in the government’s ability to police “misinformation” and “disinformation” about elections on social media.

Here’s how it would work.  In the lead-up to the 2020 and 2022 elections Government agencies across the government, as well as hard-left groups would complain about speech they disliked on social media. 


EIP would then immediately interface with the respective tech company and pressure the tech company to censor the speaker.  This resulted in tens of millions of tweets and posts and other speech being censored, and tens of thousands of Americans being censored, suspended and banned. 


On October 3, 2022, the confusion between the EIP described above and EIPCa first came to light in an article by Breitbart. EIPCa immediately issued an article of clarification. (Read that article here)


We also contacted Breitbart, who immediately reposted their article with the needed corrections.


Election Integrity Partnership is clearly an enemy

of fair, honest and transparent elections.



Election Integrity PROJECT®California has been fighting FOR fair, honest and transparent elections since December, 2010—over 12 years!! 


Visit our website EIP-Ca.com. Learn more about the state of our elections, how we got here, EIPCa’s accomplishments and the current lawsuits WE have filed to restore fair, honest, and transparent elections to California.


Thank you for your support, and for being in the fight with us. 

pdf of article