It’s Not Over When You Lose


Constitution-loving believers in self-governance and the rule of law have continued to take quite a beating every day at the hands of the completely out-of-control California legislature.


“Elected” lawmakers propose hundreds of immoral, unworkable, destructive and often unconstitutional laws every year. In the last few years, some of those laws have crossed the line into being just plain EVIL.


We call, email, visit, write position letters and testify with all the energy we can muster, and more often than not, they ignore us, pass the laws anyway, and the Governor’s office signs them into law.


Yes, we lose, time and again. A veritable stampede of Tyrant-0-saurus is loose in the city of Sacramento, wreaking havoc and leaving no pillar of Truth, Justice or the American Way intact.


Nevertheless, it’s not over when you lose.

It’s Only Over When You Quit.


And quitting has never been in the American DNA. Time and again we have maintained our spirit, hope and never-say-die attitude in the darkest of circumstances, and each time we have emerged stronger, better and more generous than before.


Currently, the California legislature is on a short hiatus. The herd is dispersed to the far corners of the state. And, believe it or not, they are vulnerable. One at a time they can listen, can be reasonable, can LEARN.


So Do Not Quit!


Call them at their local office. Visit them at their local office. Know what bills you are most concerned about and go discuss them. Detailed instructions and suggestions for a successful meeting are in EIPCa’s recent article, “Lions, Tigers and Legislators.”


EIPCa is currently concerned about the fate of AB 969, highlighted in EIPCa’s June 26th article, the bill proposed to stop counties from self-governing and determining their own electoral process.


This bill’s fate is now in the hands of the State Senate. Please reach out to your State Senator any way you can. Do not quit. Even if we lose, do not quit.


Link arms with others who are like-minded and BE the government “of the people, by the people and for the people.” Believe it or not, the WOKE craziness is falling apart, and common sense, rational and moral precepts are once again on the rise.


We still have a Republic!

We CAN keep it!


Be Strong, be Vocal, be Persistent.

STAY Involved!


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EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible.
It’s Not Over When You Lose     ©Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. copyrighted 2023