EIPCa's Election Observations Training Information

Election Integrity Project California is eager to provide training for all who wish to be involved in our election observations program anywhere in the state.

Together we can RESTORE THE REPUBLIC through re-legitimizing the electoral process. Whether you have minutes, hours, days, weeks or more to spare, there is a job and a need you can fill. Join us NOW.

Please click on the following links where you will find these options:

  • How to Get Involved
  • Volunteer
    • "Volunteer"
      has a form for you to fill out if you are willing to help coordinate your community or county or be a trainer. Complete the form and click "Send". We will be in touch as soon as possible!!

      "Ballot Processing Training Schedule"
      We urge all citizens to respond to the great need of observing the processing of mail-in, provisional and conditional ballots, all of which go through hundreds of hands and multiple stages of verification, validation and sometimes "remaking" before being accepted and counted or being rejected.

      These ballots comprise approximately 60% of all ballots cast, which means if the process is not protected by non-partisan citizen oversight, the opportunity for manipulation is unfettered.

      You may visit your Registrar of Voters office during ballot processing and observe at any time - it is your right by California law. But it helps to know the extent of your rights, what to look for, and how to lawfully respond when you suspect that things are amiss. We will train you.

      Our training for ballot processing is no more than 90 minutes long and will be conducted through computer conference (Zoom) during election season.