If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Don’t Join ‘Em; Change the Game


The results of last November’s election were surprising to many, and certainly unanticipated given the history of American election trends and the economic situation at the time.


The response of the disappointed has been predictable: a vow to adopt the winning side’s election strategy, and do it better. Surely that will produce the long-desired win. 


Since the November 2022 election, many with high positions in both major political parties, even those who had been staunch believers in voting in person on Election Day, have now joined the band wagon and are all in for voting early, voting by mail and ballot harvesting.


But EIPCa knows that encouraging early voting and ballot harvesting will not produce the hoped-for equality of opportunity for all candidates as long as election manipulation made possible by porous election laws goes unchecked.


After twelve years of observation, research, and documentation to support our stance, EIPCa believes that the game should be to harvest VOTERS, not ballots. And those voters need to cast their votes in-person, on the last day of voting, so the turnout and probable trending results are unknown to the manipulators ahead of time.


Here’s why: When any ballot comes in early, that fact is public information. Anyone who wants to know whose ballot is in, where they live, and what their political party is just has to look.


The manipulators know instantly how the vote totals are trending

with plenty of time to inject the proper counter ballots into the system.


So, you can harvest as many legitimate ballots as you want, but you will continue to lose because you are tipping your hand, playing poker with your cards facing your opponent, giving them all the information they need to manipulate the outcome by just enough to win.


The goal of energetic, hopeful but naïve people and groups is to push voting early is to: 1) increase the number of votes reported in order to intimidate their opponents with high numbers; 2) make sure no voters “forget” to vote; and 3) economize on Get Out the Vote and volunteer efforts expenditures.


These are well thought-out and reasonable justifications, but

the policy plays right into the hands of their opponents.

The easy way is seldom the wisest way.


The manipulators have the upper hand. They push early voting to facilitate their behind-the-scenes ballot and election manipulation through strategically injecting ballots from phantom voters and other illegitimate sources to turn the tide.


A random and uncontrolled injection of ballots without knowing exactly how many were needed would be obvious and the penalty flags would fly. That’s why the manipulators need voters to vote early to provide them the information they need to tweak the results “just enough” to look credible.


When their opponents join enthusiastically into the game,

they become the pawns ripe for sacrifice.


We saw in Arizona how in-person voters were “encouraged” to change their voting methodology for the future. The manipulators were ready for the challenge of a large influx of in-person voters on Election Day: 1) misprinted ballots, 2) scarcity of ballots, 3) malfunctioning machines and other irregularities that produced long lines and caused many to abandon their efforts to vote.


In doing so, they were forced to show their hand through obvious voter suppression. They exposed their tactics, brought their manipulation out of the shadows. And Americans will not allow that to happen for long, regardless of the reluctance of the courts to do the right thing.


Those who truly believe in fair, honest and transparent elections must not sink to the level of their opponents but rather stand firm, assert their voting rights, and work unceasingly to change the rules of the game so that the election process cannot be manipulated.


EIPCa’s lawsuit is designed to be a mortal blow to the existing “rules”

by proving the unconstitutionality of them all.


Until then, California voters still have the right to CHOOSE to

  1. Vote in person on, or as close to the last day as possible;
  2. educate everyone we can as to why they should do the same; and
  3. get ACTIVE by harvesting VOTERS, not ballots.

Yes, that takes more time and energy, knocking on doors, creating car and van pools, physically getting out the vote. A BIG job.


But if voters hold firm and elect and hold accountable officials who will change the rules of the game to restore integrity to the election process, the tools being used by the manipulators can be taken away. Game over. The winners?


Fair, honest and transparent elections;

The Republic; 

The American People.


download pdf of article https://www.eip-ca.com/articles/if_you_cant_beat_um3142023.pdf