Exposing a False Urgency

Don’t be fooled by political propaganda - timing your vote is now more strategic than ever as voters awaken to the brave new world of an endless supply of vulnerable vote by mail ballots and wireless manipulation of election machines.

Elections today no longer resemble your grandfather’s elections, but in the confusion and chaos caused by changes some deem as “progress,” voters can still reject the “new and improved,” opting for the safety and security of the tried and true.

Nowadays, the political powers that be, including both major political parties, usually push voters to quickly fill out their ballot as soon as they receive it and 1) send it through the mail, 2) drop it in a “convenient” drop box, 3) take the ballot to a local polling location as soon as they open and turn it in, or 4) entrust their ballot to partisan ballot collectors who come to their door to relieve them of the great burden of turning in their own ballot. They emphasize that choice #1 is by far their preference.

However, who gains the most when voters follow that advice?

Citizens often do not realize that the push to vote early benefits the political parties and not individual voters nor the integrity of the election results.

As mentioned in EIPCa’s article VOTE SAFE IN 2022 Part #2 - Weighing Your Voter Options, such a strategy of pushing voters to vote early follows a party-centric rationale:

  • The sooner you return your vote, the sooner they can remove you from their outreach list, thus saving them Get Out the Vote expenditures and volunteer time.
  • The sooner you return your vote the less likely it is that you will “forget” to vote. They assume (perhaps correctly) that voter turnout will thus be greater.

Unfortunately, while this rationale has some validity from a short-term partisan perspective, it is also fraud- and manipulation-friendly, which endangers not only accurate counting of individual ballots and overall legitimate election results but also the very health of our Republic.

Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots

Proponents of the early mail-in vote claim that the ability to track one’s ballot “ENSURES” integrity. They neglect the inconvenient truth that Ballottrax is unreliable and faulty to the extreme: subscribers often fail to receive the expected notifications or receive inaccurate ones.

SoCal Residents Report Having Issues With Their Recall Ballots

Sadly, these proponents have now sunk to the level of demonizing, demeaning and vilifying any person or organization who dares to peek behind the curtain.

Today, the reality exists that:

“When voters send in their ballots early, they provide would-be bad actors with the information they need to determine which and how many fraudulent ballots to inject into the system to swing the election without raising suspicion.”

VOTE SAFE IN 2022 Part #2 - Weighing Your Voter Options

In addition, under-the-radar manipulation of counting technology becomes easier as people vote early.

  • “Current evidence strongly suggests that the algorithms do exist, at least in some places, and that all the machines currently in use are at least capable of and vulnerable to electronic manipulation.”

Voter vs the “Machine” How David Can Once Again Slay the Giant

  • While the political parties push citizens to vote ASAP ahead of Election Day, large numbers of people voting early, especially by mail, work to the advantage of anyone who is able to utilize algorithms, providing them more time to “select” the favored candidates.

This vulnerability of the electoral process became more easily exploitable in 2018 when “...the unceasing PUSH to VOTE EARLY gave the manipulators the break they needed to recalculate algorithms, as ‘votes submitted’ information is available daily.”

Voter vs the “Machine” How David Can Once Again Slay the Giant

Those who rail against the “Vote in Person” message are choosing to wear blinders and remain ignorant. That is their prerogative.

But labeling the “Vote in Person” message and those who promote it as “Socialists” and “Marxist” is not only despicable, it is the antithesis of the truth. The elaborate Vote by Mail scheme was created by and is being exploited by those whose clear goal is to turn elections into “selections”.

Those of us who are attempting to combat the scam are fighting to restore and “Keep our Constitutional Republic” through a fair, honest and transparent democratic election process.

California voters need to take matters into their own
hands if they want to undo the “machinations” of
manipulation of the outcomes of our elections.

EIPCa strongly urges citizens to Vote in Person, on or as close to Election Day as possible. Bring the vote by mail ballot with you to prove you did not already submit it.

download pdf of article

EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible.

Linda Paine, President and Co-founder,
Election Integrity Project®California

Election Integrity Project®California
is a nonprofit public benefit organization

Please consider donating to the work of
Election Integrity Project®California.