All Lanes Lead to the Finish Line
Part 1


Our greatest enemies, the ones we must fight most often, are within.

~ Thomas Paine


History shows how great empires and civilizations come into existence…and how they are destroyed. The beginnings vary and are unique to the circumstance in history. The ends, however, have characteristics in common. Foremost among them are corruption, greed and the loss of civility as the people transition from other-centered to self-centered life perspectives.


Americans are both observing the decline of our great country

while at the same time fighting to save her and restore the Republic.


The turmoil of such a battle is both internal and external, which is why sometimes we can find ourselves either being attacked by or attacking others who should be on the same side.


Stress, fear and anger often lead the undisciplined mind away from its higher, rational function to its primal “fight or flight” mode, which operates on pure adrenaline and unbridled emotion. This creates an imbalance in the interaction between mind and emotion.


Once we lose the balance of mind and emotion it is common to find ourselves “flapping and twirling” which makes it 1) difficult to make good decisions and 2) easy to be influenced by others.


While everyday Americans were busy living our lives, trusting those who took the oath of office to defend our country from enemies foreign and domestic, the enemy within was studying us and determining what would cause us to lose the balance of mind and emotion.


“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment - that which they cannot anticipate.

     ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Americans did not anticipate that globalists would use our election process as a Trojan Horse to put themselves in positions of power so they could either make the laws or ignore them with impunity! This realization has definitely thrown us off balance.


The more we realize the consequences of losing

our ability to choose those who govern,

the more panicked we can become.


As America moves closer to the 2024 election we are feeling the strain of stress, fear and anger. Intense levels of emotion are impacting us all.


Our ultimate destiny will be determined by how successfully we control our baser natures and rise above the tendency to give way to those raw emotions.


The enemies of our Republic are doing all in their power

to ensure our failure.


Sun-Tzu says, “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” The opportunity they need and MUST have is that We the People fail at preventing them from manipulating the 2024 election.


Many wonderful patriots are working diligently to “do something” to save our beleaguered Republic by restoring the fairness, honesty and transparency in our electoral system to ensure our elections are valid. 


We still trust the American people, and when their voice

is correctly heard, balance will be restored.


Unfortunately, too many of those same patriots are allowing themselves to be driven by their high emotional response to the enemy’s suffocating attacks.


As a result, they are lashing out at other organizations and individuals attempting to run the same race in a different lane,

all headed toward the same finish line.


We cannot…. We must not allow this to happen! We must keep our wits about us and choose not to be goaded into lashing out blindly at those in parallel lanes.


An attack on one of us is an attack on the entire movement.


Too much is at stake to let our egos or hurt feelings be the tool used to destroy one of the greatest citizen coalitions built in the country – the collective will of California citizens!


  • It took a statewide coalition to pass Prop 8 (Marriage between a man and a woman) not once but twice in 2008.


  • It took 2,400 Tea Party groups in 2009 from Siskiyou in the north to San Diego in the south; from Central Valley to Central Coast; from counties along Nevada and Arizona to the nine huge counties in the south.


  • It took citizen groups fighting for parental rights, election integrity, first and second amendment rights and more, and against unreasonable taxes, Agenda 21, open borders and all governmental over-reach to continue working together from 2010 to NOW.


  • It will take ALL of us NOW working together to prevent the globalists from completely manipulating the 2024 election.


We can only accomplish great things if we can we can regain our balance between our minds and our emotions.


When men yield up the privilege of thinking,

the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.  ~ Thomas Paine


Resist listening to those who attack one of us for their own gain. We can choose to tell them to stop! We can choose to be united!


It is not in numbers, but in unity, that our great strength lies.

~ Thomas Paine



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All Lanes Lead to the Finish Line Part 1     ©Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. copyrighted 2023