Setting a Standard to Revive Self-Governance


Part 1 - Discouragement vs. Hope

The United States of America came into existence upon the foundation of the Judeo-Christian heritage, with the fundamental acceptance of God-given rights as proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence.


Under such authority, the nation was established as a Constitutional Republic - NOT a democracy. Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution specifically expresses the intent for each state as well: 


Article IV, Section 4

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”


However, in recent decades, elected leaders in several states have lost touch with the intent of the Founders in establishing states’ rights, instead deferring to the centralized authority in Washington, D.C.


Unfortunately, through government-controlled schools a significant sector of the American populace has lost touch with the fundamental concept that this nation was created to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people, as President Lincoln re-affirmed in his Gettysburg Address.


Through the public influence of the education system, popular culture and media, “We the people” have lost our collective American identity and the knowledge of how and why to self-govern.  


Americans have been trained to believe they have no choice but to submit to a government “of the elitists, by the elitists, and for the elitists.”


The very bedrock of the freedoms guaranteed to citizens in the United States was, is and always will be the freedom and right to choose our leaders in fair, honest and transparent elections. Yet that very sacred right is a major casualty of the successful efforts by those intent on destroying the Republic by corrupting our election process in order to fundamentally transform our nation.  


As a result, Americans have grown increasingly skeptical of the trustworthiness and value of participating in elections.


Fewer and fewer citizens show up to vote because they sense it doesn’t make much of a real difference in the grand scheme. Either they “know” they will be outvoted or they suspect election manipulation has reached critical mass and nothing they do will make a difference.


They do not understand that the current circumstances require more, not less participation by eligible voters to counter the manipulation.


Waning voter participation empowers those

who have an eye toward manipulating election outcomes. 


And once they capture power as elected officials, they are in a position to force upon the people a completely un-American worldview.


Without fair, honest and transparent elections, California is being transformed from a Republic to a Socialist Oligarchy.


But there is GOOD news!


Over the last 13 years there has been a stirring among a rapidly growing number of citizens in every state in the union. Samuel Adams said, “No people will tamely surrender their Liberties.” …and Americans are proving him right!


Within the midst of confusion, corruption and resignation, millions of patriots still hold onto the belief that our state’s (and nation’s) election process can be repaired, and join in the work being done to make it so.


For Californians, the mission, work and success of

Election Integrity Project®California (EIPCa)

give them good reason to HOPE.


EIPCa is a nonpartisan nonprofit group of citizen volunteers who have paid close attention to the gradual, step-by-step passage of state election laws over the past decade that have eroded the government protections for fair, honest and transparent elections.


For election results to be valid, the process that produces them must have integrity. That is what EIPCa has been fighting for since 2010. 13 years, and we will not quit until the job is done!!


There is no way to ensure validity of elections

without reestablishing integrity in the election process.


Please return to Part 2 of this article, to be published Wednesday, to learn more.



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EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible.
Setting a Standard to Revive Self-Governance Part 1 - Discouragement vs. Hope     ©Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. copyrighted 2023